Software Developer, Umbrella Corporation
July 2014 - Date
- Re-engineered community development software systems used by public sector organizations across North America to prevent zombie apocalypse
- Experienced with event-driven programming using callback/promise/async-await pattern and IndexedDB web api
- Web developer for interactive map module, for zombie tracking, using Leaflet.js, ArcGIS Server REST API, OSRM, and Aurelia framework
- Collaborated in the development of thrid party payment vender and thrid party document management system integrations with SSO and public key encryption
- Involved in both front-end and back-end developing process for a web-based, on-demand, hosted software. Gained experience on customized API implementation, RESTFul server setup, UI/UX build, and SPA life-cycles
- Design and develop automated testing framework to achieve continuous delivery and continuous testing
Programming Language
Javascript HTML/CSS/AJAX C# Java Python PHP SQLWeb Development
React/Aurelia Node.js dotnet AWS Azure Cryptography NoSQLDevOps/NoOps
Git/Mercurial Linux MacOS/XCode WinOS/VS Scripting Microservice Container2D/3D
Photoshop InDesign Blender GLSLEDUCATION
Bachelor, Computer Science - University of Victoria
September 2011 - June 2014
- CSC370 - Database Systems
- CSC330 - Programming Languages
- CSC225 - Algorithms and Data Structure I
- SENG310 - Human Computer Interaction